Saturday, December 18, 2010

Driving 101 - How not to be a douche on the road

I have to post this, because on a daily basis, nearly experience a wreck. Most would say it's probably because I am the one driving recklessly, but on the contrary, I know my "Right of Way"s and the rules of the road to help prevent accidents.
Some may be saying (for those who know) "Aren't you a racer? Racers are very reckless!"
Yes, I like to race. However, I almost never do it on public roads. I take my vehicle to the racing strip and race there. The very few times I do race on public roads, I race on uncrowded roads usually late, late at night.
And, just because I race does not mean that I am a bad driver. So let me put a few things here that hopefully you guys can follow so you won't look like a complete ass when on the road. And while you might survive the wreck, the person who hits you might not, so you may help prevent people from dieing because your dumbass fault. So let me establish two REALLY REALLY easy points to follow:

1) For the love of a holy entity! Never drive below the speed limit, and never slow down below the speed limit (unless you have to). More accidents are caused by people driving below the speed limit than above it.

2) Use the BLOODY blinker! You know, the turn signal? It SIGNALS people that you ARE ABOUT TO TURN. Which usually means either crossing traffic or slowing down (or both). Is it so hard to turn the signal on? I don't know about you, but every car that I HAVE been in, has the turn signal right next to the steering wheel! I can usually push the signal with my pinky finger it is so close.

So, those are two points you have to follow on the road that will make a huge difference! Am I being an ol' coot telling you to slow down? No. I prefer speeders over slow drivers. To be honest, I speed myself. Usually not much, but I do.

I'll probably do another Driving 101 later, but for now, I am hoping a couple of people will read this and suddenly have a revelation "Ooooooh!".

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Inspired to be...I'll finish this title later

(Let's see how well I can concentrate while my drunk brother screams to screamo metal music)

So, for those unfamiliar, I am a bit of a creative. Doubt that? I'm sorry to guess that and possibly be right.
Well, what exactly do I do that is creative?
Well some know that I use to make Oblivion mods, but, that doesn't necessarily fall under any of the major types of the Arts.
So let's look at bigger picture arts and what I do. Right now I am a muscian. I make electronic music and now I am also a party DJ (small parties).
But I got something bigger to talk about.

Ever since I was young I loved writting. I remember I use to come hoem from (elementary) school with a composition notebook and a number 2 pencil (freshly sharpened) and I would just write. There was even a composition notebook I drew pictures to go with (granted, the images were terribly drawn).
Then I discovered the world of Word Processing, and I began a novel on Microsoft word. It took me 4 years to finish it, but eventually I finished it. I was in 8th grade I believe when it was done. It was utter rubbish, but I was proud to have finished it because all novels or books I had written before that one had never been completed.
Of course, when it comes to the childhood years, we learn and grow so much in such a short time, just one year is a big difference, so after the 4 years passed, I looked back at the early chapters and realized...they were utter rubbish!
(I would care to take a moment here to explain how I started writing the novel in the first place: It was some sort of new fad going around all the youngsters to draw comics. Well, at the time I had been outcast as the "dork" and so I did what I could to fit in and began drawing a comic. The little kids who drew comics finally accepted my comics and enjoyed my work. But I hated how limited I was, since my drawing skills were less than par, I couldn't accurately convey emotion how I wanted, and so I decided I was going to write a novel to go along with the comic...of course, eventually I gave up on the comic because it just sucked terribly. Back to the story at hand now;)
After realizing how terrible the work was, I decided to go back and edit it...during my editing processes, I had a dream. No this is not some cliche opening to an inspiring speech. I had a dream that was so realistic it inspired me to write again; not edit, but write.

And so, I began a second novel, completely dropping the novel I was in the midst of editing. Fast forward 4 years later (again), I was 250+ pages into the book that was inspired by a dream, and I was uninspired. I had written past what I had dreamt, and I couldn't come up with any more to keep the story flowing. The book had become cliche, and rather bland, and I knew this. And so, after months of trying to decided "what comes next?" I came up with an alternate solution. Since I was so frustrated with the turn I had taken with the book, I decided to scrap what I had written; all 250+ pages, and re-start.
I made 50 pages deep in a story I had no idea what I was doing with, and since I have not written on it, and have felt uninspired - again.

Just last night, though, another dream came to me. It was so realistic, the emotions were strong, the feelings I had are beyond my ability to describe in words. I found it weird, and I find myself addicted to this sensation I had. So much so I want to go back to sleep and hope I experience it again, but fortunately I have enough of a brain to know not to waste my time with such. No, I want to record it, so I don't ever forget...
It has been nearly a year since I last wrote, but I think I want to write again. I do not believe in signs from a hierarchy; some divine entity in the sky. I know dreams are simply a way for your mind to document and "file" and "sort" thoughts, ideas, and your education. Dreams are simply a visual representation of this. Most dreams we do not remember (we all dream though) as it is a necessary part for proper sleep, but this dream I remember. In almost (key word: almost) all cases, the dreams that people remember are the dreams that are interrupted. Many factors can cause us to interrupt a dream, but the best example would be waking up. But the dream I had was not interrupted.
The human mind is the most fascinating thing on Earth!